Old age is a time of life when individuals require a significant amount of support, especially when it comes to financial stability. In many countries, governments have established programs to provide pensions to senior citizens. However, not all senior citizens have access to these programs. Therefore, Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) has initiated to play an important role in providing support to senior citizens in need. Here are some standard operating procedures (SOPs) that Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) follows when working with Old Age Parents’ Pensions Program:
The first step in working with Old-Age Parents’ Pensions Program is to identify the target population. The target population should include Senior Citizens who are not eligible for government pensions or are not receiving adequate support from their families. Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) conducts surveys or work with local community leaders to identify senior citizens who require support.
Once the target population has been identified, Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) has devised a plan to support them. This plan includes details on how the Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) will provide financial assistance to senior citizens, as well as any other forms of support they may require. Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) has also identified the sources of funding for their program.
Establishing partnerships with other organizations and community leaders can help Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) to provide better support to senior citizens. Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) is also intended to work with local hospitals, community canters, and other organizations to identify senior citizens who require support. Additionally, Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) will work with community leaders to ensure that senior citizens receive the support they need.
Once the plan has been developed, Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) shall establish a support system for senior citizens. This may include providing financial assistance, food, healthcare, or other forms of support. Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) has also established a system to monitor the progress of their program and to ensure that senior citizens are receiving the support they require.
Finally, Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) would work to raise awareness about the importance of supporting senior citizens. This may involve working with the media to promote their program or organizing community events to raise awareness about the issue. By raising awareness, Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) may encourage more people to support this program and help senior citizens in need.
In conclusion, Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) can play a crucial role in providing support to senior citizens in need of financial assistance. Our aim is by following these standard operating procedures, we can work effectively to provide support to senior citizens and improve their quality of life.
Pakistan education system is registering improvement but not fast enough to meet the current world literacy rate. On the positive side, an active donor supported NGO sector plays a crucial role towards real reform of the public education system.
Little reform has taken place within the public education system either in terms of access or quality despite apparent policy commitment: the Ministry of Education remains heavily understaffed and under-resourced with the result that despite need for increased resource allocations at all levels, less than fifty percent of the funds allocated for non-recurrent expenditure within the Ministry of Education are utilized.
Therefore, it is critical that the state makes increased resource allocation to education sector, and the federal ministry strengthens its planning and coordination role at the federal level as well as across the provinces so that the efforts of the donors, NGOs, and the government are coordinated to strengthen the planning and administrative capacity of the Ministry rather than all actors implementing ad hoc educational projects.
Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) is working on constructing, maintaining, improving, and or aiding, academic, handicraft, commercial, and/or Technical Schools and/or Colleges, Universities, Libraries, Reading Rooms, Public Halls, Educational and /or Scientific Research Centre’s, Physical Cultural, commercial, Technical and others educational institutional and/or for constructing, establishing, maintaining, managing, improving and/or aiding Hostels for housing students and/or for printing and publishing books, pamphlets and literature for educational institutions of the aforesaid nature and/or for awarding prizes and/or for giving scholarships and/or free of interest loans to needy/poor students.
Whoever teaches some knowledge will have the reward of the one who acts upon it, without that detracting from his reward in the slightest.
Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w.w. – Prophet
The importance of education is repeatedly emphasized in the Qoran with frequent injunctions, such as “God will exalt those of you who believe and those who have knowledge to high degrees” (58:11), “O my Lord! Increase me in knowledge” (20:114), and “As God has taught him, so let him write” (2:282).
Despite the increase in public health facilities, Pakistan’s population growth has generated an unmet need for healthcare.
Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) is working to assist patients and their families with emotional or daily living problems arising from illness, trauma, or disabilities.
To enable patients to make the best use of the medical/rehabilitation services in medical institutions and the community.
To contribute to the total rehabilitation (physical, medical, and social) of patients, and their reintegration into society.
To strive for the promotion of health awareness for patients, their families, and the community.
There are two blessings which many people do not appreciate: Health and leisure.
Hazrat Muhammad s.a.w.w. – Prophet
While the entire Quran is a source of healing, there are six verses that address healing and are referred to as Ayat Ash-Shifa or the Quranic Verses of Healing.
And [God] shall heal the breast of the believers. (at-Tawba, 9:14)
Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.) is a Pakistani NPO established in 2014, with a commitment to empowering underprivileged families through providing resources of quality health services, education, life skills, etc., with a particular focus on Senior Citizens and Children.
Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.)
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Nusrat Welfare Organization, Pakistan (Regd.)
Serve Humanity Without Discrimination